Monday, April 13, 2015

Q&A about managing and organizing literacy within the classroom

The link I have posted is one that I found very helpful. The link will take you to a website that
that provides an article entitled "Organizing Literacy Classroom for Effective Instruction" This article proves to be very beneficial because it contains background information as well as provides several questions within the article such as "Question 1: What do I do to organize my physical classroom environment to support literacy instruction?" It first poses good questions for teachers to ask themselves but then proceeds to answer the question with great detail as well as providing visuals along the way. The remainder of the article is set up in a question and answer format providing information and research to support the answers to the question. Some of the information I came across while reading even went along with the video we watched in class today. For example the article states that "wall displays are most effective when students and teachers coproduce these. Consequently, classroom wall spaces need not be filled on the first day of school" this went along with what the video talked about how what the teacher hung up wasn't just cute but it was meaningful and tended to stay up for the remainder of the year for references. This article proved very interesting and helpful to read and contained a lot of valuable and useful techniques.

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